Friday, October 28, 2011

How I Use RocketTheme's Gantry Framework to Customize Individual Pages

RocketTheme's Gantry Framework is simply an amazing tool to help develop a Joomla website. It gives you the ability to create a completely different layout on every page of your website. By spending some time learning the controls, you can customize your website with a few clicks of the mouse.
First you are going to need to download and install Gantry. It comes built in with all Rocket templates, but you can certainly use it for custom template development.  You will have options for loads of features, but my favorite part of Gantry is the ability to customize the layout of individual pages.

At the very top of the administration control panel, you will find this:

If you click on Menu Items, you will see a drop-down list of every page of your website. By selecting the page you want to customize, the changes you make for the layout of the page will only effect this page in particular.

After selecting the page, scroll down until you see:

You can now go in and change up the layout.

One thing to notice - you will be able to see the number of positions for each section. In this case, I have two positions published in Features. If you move to the orange bar left or right, this is what allows me to customize this particular position (Feature) ON this specific page. Once you hit apply, your website will be updated.
One word of caution: after you make your changes and hit apply, the drop-down for your pages will disappear. If you want to go back and to further modifications to that or any page, don't forget to reselect the webpage!

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