Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Direct logout link for Joomla 1.5

In Joomla 1.5, you need to press the logout button within the login component, to log off your session.
This logic doesn’t seem very clear for me. If I want to log-off I don’t want 2 page clicks/refreshes.
To create a logout button or menu link, you just need to invoke the logout URL part:

Or incase when you have Search Engine Friendly (SEF) URL’s:
Now did you note, the return=Lw== parameter?
This parameter is for bringing you back to the return page, after logging out.
The “Lw==”-value, is a Base64 encoding for “/” which brings you back to the root of the page.
Say that you don’t want to forward to the root, but to the ‘/goodbye/index.html’ page?
You will need the Base64 encoding of this string:

Well, here’s your help, I found a nice online Base64 converter, which does this job for you.

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