Saturday, April 07, 2012

How to Setup Joomla SEF (Search Engine Friendly) URLs

Webmasters trying to optimize the websites they are maintaining can now use Joomla SEO to produce search engine friendly URLS that are easily readable to search engine crawlers. As many are unaware of Joomla, it is actually a CMS software that allows you to manage websites on your own with tools designed to make it easier and more efficient. CMS or content management system is designed to help people take charge of what they want to publish in their websites and make it convenient for them to gather all needed materials in one go.

The software is also open-sourced, which means that it can be shared and downloaded by anyone wishing to have help in managing their websites. So whether or not you have the technical expertise you can have the tools needed to make a site run smoothly without the need for expert advice and include Joomla SEO in your arsenal of optimization tools.
The chief issue being faced by webmasters when using the software is that it doesn't generate search engine friendly URLs for websites it produces, and this can be a hassle when trying to rank high in search engine results. However, Joomla 1.6 now has SEO functionality that allows webmasters to transform these URLs into search engine friendly language.
If you already have installed Joomla 1.6, you can easily change the produced URL into something friendlier and use Joomla SEO as an effective technique by following these instructions:
Go to the administrator link of the Joomla website and choose the global configuration option. Once presented with the choices, select the option for SEO settings which would allow you to pick one of three settings for the URL to be configured with search engine standards. You will then be prompted to choose whether you want the URL to have "index.php" or not.
Joomla SEO settings also allows you to add a suffix to the URL you have created, so if you have " http:// www. " for instance and you want to add .html it will now appear as " http:// www. ".
Save your desired settings and view the URL you've just created or edited to make sure that it appears normal when typed into the address bar. Since you now have a link that can be read by search engines, you can easily perform other SEO techniques in your site that will enable you to drive traffic and generate sales. These include keyword research, back linking, and content writing.
When using this CMS software, keep in mind that you have to produce URLs which are catchy and easy to remember. After all, you want to have potential customers recall your web address without difficulty when they want to find you. Another tip is to use related extensions to the sites you are creating, so if you've just created your domain name, you may want to to the extensions so that customers who mistakenly typed in the wrong extension will still be able to access your website. As such you can make sure that all your sites using Joomla SEO techniques rank well in search results pages.

----Collected from Internet

SEO Master: Sukanto Saha

Odesk Hire Link: 

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