Thursday, August 30, 2012

Add images to your WordPress Comment Profile

Add images to your WordPress Comment Profile

One of the important aspect of Internet is showing your authority everywhere and let people recognize you on different social media platform. This comes with using same username (handle) and same avatar.
Another thing which we need to acquire our online identity is by using same avatar (Profile picture) everywhere. Most important is using them when you add a  WordPress comment anywhere it shows your Gravatar and people starts recognizing you.

How to add your profile picture in WordPress comment form?
Most of the WordPress comment box are Gravatar ready, all you need to do is sign up for add your Email Ids and associate an avatar with it.
Register for Gravatar , Add your email address and associate any image for your Email id. You can associate different email ids for different avatar.

Register for Gravatar 

The process of associating an Image with your Email address is very easy. All you need to do is add an Email address, verify it and upload image to associate with that Email id.
By associating an Image to your gravatar, you are creating your online brand and identity. The best way should be using the same Image everywhere like Twitter, Facebook and
Register for Gravatar

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